We’re here to protect your rights.

Making justice and support accessible to everyone, we protect your rights and connect you to the justice you deserve with the utmost empathy and care.

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Justpoint uses proprietary technology to hold cancer-causing parties accountable for the harm they cause through a process that involves:

1. Public Harm identification

Justpoint’s scientists use proprietary artificial intelligence to analyze millions of data points on a daily basis and identify suspected cancer-causing consumer products, pharmaceuticals, and facilities.

2. Medical & legal viability analysis

Justpoint, in partnership with some of the largest US law firms, then begins investigating the suspected cancer causes by interviewing affected people, analyzing their medical records, and conducting pharmacological and toxicology research.

3. Litigation commences

Justpoint and partnered law firms file suit against the parties responsible for causing you cancer to begin the process of getting compensation for victims.

4. Justice

Upon successful resolution of the case, you receive compensation for the harm you were caused. Society benefits from responsible parties being held accountable for the harm they caused and are court-ordered to stop producing or releasing the harmful substance.

We’ve been supported by:

National Science Foundation logoNational Science Foundation logoUniversity at Buffalo logoGoogle logo

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The information on this website is proprietary and protected. This page may have been algorithmically generated by Justpoint’s proprietary technology based on data from FDA databases, scientific publications, and direct submissions by Justpoint users. These data cannot be used to estimate causal relationships between products and reported adverse effects. These data have not been manually screened by Justpoint. This website is not a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Justpoint is a law firm. This website and its content may be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Justpoint Inc. and Justpoint are distinct entities. Justpoint partners with Law Firms. To learn more, read our full Disclaimer.